Event Date:
Event Location:
- Mosher Alumni House
- 2nd Floor
Event Contact:
Shariq Hashmi
Undergraduate Program Advisor
Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies
Related Link:
The Department of Chicana and CHicano Studies Annual Research Symposium is scheduled on Thursday, May 23, 2019.
The event will feature presentations Undergraduate Awards and presentations from graduating Doctoral and Undergraduate Honors Candidates. We are proud of your accomplishments and wish you the best moving forward.
We are proud to present the following Undergraduate Awards:
Carlos Ornelas Service Award
In recognition of dedicated, generous, and selfless campus and/or community service.
Mayela Morales
Senior Graduate School Applicant with Most Promise
In recognition of outstanding potential to contribute to future knowledge through graduate education.
Karla Maldonado
Monica Mendieta
Outstanding Undergraduate Academic Achievement Award
In recognition of undergraduate academic excellence leading to the highest overall GPA.
Angela Paez
Acevedo Memorial Spirit Award
In recognition of dedication and perseverance in overcoming all odds to claim their degree.
Andres Chavez
Michael Bedoya
Doctoral Recognition:
Congratulations to Dr. Rosie C. Bermudez! Thank you for what you have contributed and for advancing the discipline of Chicana and Chicano Studies.
Undergraduate Honors Candidates:
Congratulations to the department Undergraduate Honors Candidates! Here are the candidates, titles of their projects, and mentors.
Sharon E. Figueroa Argueta
An Ethnographic Exploration Observing how Xicana Feminist Thought and Practice Find Ground in the Classroom
Mentor: Maestra Celia Herrera-Rodriguea
Ricardo Fonseca
"You Can't Be Who You Can't See:" A Push for More Latinx Male Teachers in Early Childhood Education
Mentor: Professor D. Ines Casillas
Natalia Gonzalez
Fraught Ties and Resilience: A Case Study of Salvadoran-Mexican Romantic Relationships
Mentor: Professor Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval
Jasmine Gonazalez
Womxn of Color: Sociopolitical Poster Production and Digital Media Proliferation
Mentor: Professor Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval
Carolina Paz
Viviendo en unSegundo Idioma: Self-Perceptions of Accents in the California Central Valley
Mentor: Professor D. Inés Casillas
Juan M. Silverio
Show Me Your Papers: Ancient Mexican Indigenous and Contemporary X/Chicana Paper Cultural Production
Mentor: Professor Micaela J. Díaz-Sánchez