Graduate Student Community

Currently Enrolled Students

Ana Barba (US third world feminist epistemology and research methodology, identity and intersectionality, women of color activism and leadership, access, diversity, and equity in higher education)

Marina Chavez (coloniality and decoloniality, performance studies, identity formation and U.S. Third world feminist epistemologies)                                                                                   

Aracely Garcia-Gonzalez

Karla Larranaga

Veronica Mandujano

Alejandro Prado

Kristian Vasquez

Juan Pacheco Marcial

Alejandra Valencia Medina

Edward Reyes

Luis Ramirez-Macin

Ricardo Delgado Solis

John Jairo Valencia

Completed Doctorates

Eddy Alvarez
Dissertation title:  Space, Identity, and Memory in Queer, Brown, L.A.: Finding Sequins in the Rubble
Faculty Chair: Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval
Year: 2014

Michelle Baca
Dissertation title:  Loss, Rumination, and Narrative: Chicana/o Melancholy as Generative State
Faculty Chair: Francisco Lomeli
Year: 2013      

Janett Barragan Miranda
Dissertation title: Hungering for Equality: Mexicans and Mexican Americans from WorldWar II through the Civil Rights
Faculty Chair: Miroslava Chavez-Garcia
Year: 2019     

Rosie Bermudez
Dissertation title: Doing Dignity Work: Alicia Escalante and the East Los Angeles Welfare Rights Organization, 1967-1974
Faculty Chair: Miroslava Chavez-Garcia
Year: 2019                                                                                              

William Calvo
Dissertation title:  Monsters of Late Capitalism Along the U.S.-Mexico Border: Legends, Epistemologies and the Politics of Imagination
Faculty Chairs: Maria Herrera-Sobek and Francisco Lomeli
Year: 2014

Tomas Avila Carrasco
Dissertation title:  Oppositional Performance: A Social-Historical Analysis of the Avant-Garde Comedy Troupe Chicano Secret Service
Faculty Chairs: Mario T. Garcia and George Lipsitz
Year: 2012

Nicholas Centino
Dissertation title: Atomic Chicanas/os: Embodied Memory and The Raza Rockabilly Scene of Greater Los Angeles
Faculty Chair: Inés Casillas
Year: 2014

Carisa Cortez
Dissertation title: Survivors Ink: Self-Transformation, Self-Creation and Healing Through Tattoo
Faculty Chair: Edwina Barvosa
Year: 2013

José G. Anguiano Cortez
Dissertation title: Latino Listening Cultures: Identity, Affect, and Resilient Music Practices
Faculty Chair: Maria Herrera-Sobek
Year: 2012

Juan Sebastian Ferrada
Dissertation title: Latinx Temporalities: The Queer Time of Spanglish, Family, and Latinx Futurity in Santa Ana, California, 2014-2017
Faculty Chair: Inés Casillas
Year: 2018

Amy Foss
Dissertation title: Race, Racialization and the Colonial Conquest of the Santa Barbara Channel Region: Colonial and National Racial Ideological Systems
Faculty Chair: Edwina Barvosa
Year: 2017

Francisco Fuentes
Dissertation title: Bordering Faith: spiritual transformation, cultural change, and Chicana/o youth at the border
Faculty Chair: Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval
Year: 2016

Amber Rose Gonzalez
Dissertation title: Another City is Possible: Mujeres de Maiz, Radical Indigenous Mestizaje and Activist Scholarship
Faculty Chair: Chela Sandoval
Year: 2014

Sara Veronica Hinojos
Dissertation title: Can joo belieb it?": The Racial Politics of Chican@ Linguistic Scripts in U.S. Media (1925-2014)
Faculty Chair: Inés Casillas
Year: 2016

Felicia Rhapsody Lopez
Dissertation title: Mayahuel and Tlahuizcalpanteuctli in the Nahua Codices: Indigenous Readings of Nahuatl Pictoral and Alphabetic Texts
Faculty Chair: Gerardo Aldana
Year: 2016

Jessica Lopez Lyman
Dissertation title: Gendering the Midwest Regional Imaginary: Chicana/Latina Performance in Urban Minnesota
Faculty Chair: Aida Hurtado
Year: 2016

Tomas A. Madrigal
Dissertation title: Agribusiness and Mexican Farm Worker Families in Washington State (1964-2013)
Faculty Chair: Aida Hurtado
Year: 2016

Natalia Villanueva Nieves
Dissertation title: Reading the Latina Soul: Affect and Hegemony in the Hermeneutics of (Trans)National Latina Narratives
Faculty Chairs: Maria Herrera-Sobek and Ellie D. Hernandez
Year: 2019

Ricardo Elias Ortega
Dissertation title: Guided by Great Feelings of Love: Using Photovoice and Critical Pedagogy to Document the Life Experiences of Undocumented Latino/a Students in Higher Education
Faculty Chair: Tara J. Yosso
Year: 2013

Marla Ramirez
Dissertation title: Contested Illegality: Three Generations of Exclusion through Mexican "Repatriation" and the Politics of Immigration Law, 1920-2005
Faculty Chair: Ines Casillas
Year: 2015

Adrianna Santos
Dissertation title: Radical Storytelling: Reading Chicana Survival Narratives
Faculty Chair: Maria Herrera-Sobek
Year: 2014

Cristina Serna
Dissertation title: Deconstructing the Nation: Queer and Feminist Art in Mexican and Chicana/o Social Movements
Faculty Chairs: Chela Sandoval and Horacio Roque Ramirez
Year: 2014

Adrianna Marie Bayer Simone
Dissertation title: "It Was NEVER Fiction:" The Decolonized Voice of Michele Serros
Faculty Chairs: Maria Herrera-Sobek and Francisco Lomeli
Year: 2017

Silvia E. Toscano
Dissertation title: Learning to Heal, Healing to Learn: Sacred Pedagogies and the Aesthetics of a Teaching-Healing Praxis among Chicana and Chicano Educators in Southern California
Faculty Chairs: Tara J. Yosso
Year: 2016

Ester N. Trujillo
Dissertation title:Understanding and Negotiating U.S. Salvadoran Ethnic Identity in the Diaspora
Faculty Chair: Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval
Year: 2017

Jessie Turner
Dissertation title: Mixed and Mixed: Inheritance and Intersectionality in the Identity Formation and Identity Migration of People with Mexican and Other Ethnoracial Backgrounds
Faculty Chair: Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval
Year: 2012

Adanari Zarate
Year: 2020

Magda Garcia
Year: 2021

Paulina Ramirez Niembro
Year: 2022

Alejandro Prado
Year: 2022

Doctoral Alumni Employment

M.A. Papers

Eddy F. Alvarez: ¿Transgénero inmigrante y qué?: Bamby Salcedo, Selfcraft, and the Making of a Transgender Male-to-Female Activist

Jose Anguiano: Listening to California's Missions: Mission Music and the Indigenous Experience in Colonial California

Michelle Baca: Ulcerated, Amputees and the Bodies That Could Save Them:
An Analysis of Alejandro Morales, Oscar Zeta Acosta and John Rechy

Eduardo Blanco: Reconfiguring the Semiotic Operationality of Textual Discourse in John Rechy’s The Miraculous Day of Amalia Gomez

William A. Calvo-Quiros: Lowriders as Expressions of Chicana/o Vernacular Knowledge

Thomas Carrasco: Days of Troy Oppositional Performance as Cultural Production in Los Angeles' Troy Cafe, 1990-1995

Nicholas F. Centino: From London to East Los’ A Cultural History of La Raza and the Rockabilly Scene

Carisa Prieto Cortez: Inking Identity: A study of Individual and Collective Motivations For Tattoo Among Chicana College Students in California

Amy Foss: Histories of Marginalization, the State, and Dis-Memberings of California Indigenous People: An Oral History of a Barbareño Chumash Elder

Francisco Fuentes : Men and Masculinities in the Maquiladora Shop Floor: A Case Study of one of Central Mexico's Maquiladoras

Amber Rose González:   The Labor of Memory:  Personal Risks and Collective Concerns in the United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Supermarket Strike.

Sara Veronica Hinojos: Re-Visions of Chico and the Man: Chicanos and 1970s Television

Rolando Rene Longoria II: Silence and Femicide in Ciudad Juarez: A Critical, Post-Colonial Study

Felicia Rhapsody Lopez:   Mayahuel and Maguey as Teotl in the Codex Borgia: Establishing a Visual Grammar for Reading Directional Tree Panels

Jessica Lopez Lyman: Isolated Vidas : Reclaiming Minnesota Chicana/o Bodies, Sitios y Lenguas

Tomás A. Madrigal: Community Formation at Goleta Barbers: A Case Study of a Mexican/Chicano Barrio Barbershop in Goleta, CA

Ricardo Elias Ortega: Latino Undergraduates Navigating the Undocumented University

Marla Ramirez: “A New Brown Model Minority”? — Undocumented immigrant youth, AB 540, and the federal DREAM Act

Adrianna Michelle Santos: Theorizing Beyond Metaphor to Survival Narrative: Chicana Discourses of Rape and Sexual Violence in Ana Castillo’s So Far From God .

Cristina Serna: "Queer Globalizations": Exploring Transnationalized Feminist Cultures among Queer Chicana, Latina, and Mexican Lesbian Activists and Artists

Jessie Turner: An Impermissible Borderlands: White/Mexican Multiraciality and the Vectors of Identity Formation, Migration, and Chican@ Community Membership.